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Breakfast Lunch and Snacks

Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks

We have a breakfast and lunch club, that your nursery child can attend.

Breakfast club is £3.00 and the children arrive at 8am and have a variety of cereals and toast available to the children.

Lunch club is £5.00 a session from 11.30am -12.30pm

Please note that there are additional charges for breakfast and lunch provision. Lunch is however included for the children who are eligible for the 30 hour funding.

At breakfast time food is provided, but at lunchtime, the children who are staying, are required to bring in their own packed lunch from home. Please provide your child with a healthy packed lunch. Fizzy drinks and sweets are not allowed and please remember that we are a NUT & FISH FREE community, this also includes Pesto.

Milk and snacks are provided each day for the nursery children in the during the morning and afternoon nursery sessions. We encourage the nursery children to help prepare the food and learn to serve and clear up after themselves. Eating together is an important life skill and helps the children to practise key skills like sharing, listening, holding a conversation, and showing interest in others, as well as encouraging them to try new foods.

Snack times at the nursery are always carefully monitored by staff to ensure that all children, and particularly those with allergies and special dietary requirements are fully supervised and high hygiene standards are maintained. We do ask for a voluntary contribution £5.00 each term to help enhance our snack times and to do some additional cooking activities in the nursery.